27 April 2005

I am


See you in a few days.

Oh, the memories.

Moment of Zen: I just watched an Underoos commercial from the 80s and I've never been more horrified.

20 April 2005

Eight-bit music is still music

Back in St. Catharines, got lots of packing to do for next week. Ergo, short post today.

I'm a fan of finding pictures of unrelated people who look like each other. I also enjoy comparing them with said pictures, for all to see. I've done it before, once or twice. And while I didn't come up with this image of the new Pope, I appreciate the research that went into creating it. I also find it hilarious.

I'm totally getting smited for that.

As for the Pope himself, I've been semi-following Pope-a-thon 2005. Ratzinger will have an uphill battle trying to follow in the footsteps of JP2 (which, for the Rhodes Scholars out there, is not Jurassic Park 2). I feel sorry for him though, a lot of the pundits out there are calling him a transitionary Pope. Yes, the man is old, but he's still on the ball and relatively healthy. Give the guy a chance.

Whistler, of the Megatokyo Forums, said of Benedict upon his appearance on the balcony:
"He came out and waved with both hands. That is a good sign, being German and all."
I laughed.

Empties Day was last week. For the perhaps one person who reads this and doesn't live in Ontario, we're given $0.10 on every empty beer bottle we return to The Beer Store, the cleverly-titled, Government-run beer provider. Our rough count was around 22 2-4s, somewhere around 580 bottles. The return process was fun. Only in Canada, I think, would people understand if you've got your 4-ways on, a trunk full of empties, and driving 20kph in a 60 zone. What a great country this is. Oh, by the by, photographic evidence of our lovely day.

I have next to no love for theatre, silly singing and prancing, and basically stage-bred pretention, but these people deserve a large award, possibly crafted of clay and encrusted with shiny bits.

This guy is sometimes funny.

Dinosaurs, though, are always funny.

Moment of Zen: T-Rex, we're going to sneak into bed with you tonight! We'll be like - "Hello T-Rex"

19 April 2005

There were also neat fish.

So, I just ate some melon. I promised myself that I would never talk about what I've eaten in this blog to make filler, this melon is something else. Shit if I even know what breed of melon it is, although my money is on delicious. It is as if the finest melon in the world entered my very kitchen, laid itself upon my counter, and said unto me "lo, I am melon incomparable. You will verily eat me and be happy beyond description. Your euphoria will be equaled only by beating like level 15 in Tetris or something."

It's some pretty good melon.

I've got some interesting times ahead of me, it seems. As reported by many sources, EB Games was bought out by GameStop. Since GameStop is an exclusively American store, I didn't think that this would affect EB Canada, but lo and behold, it does. Seems every overseas (and over-49th, I suppose) EB Games will, by Q4 2005/Q1 2006, become a GameStop. I don't know if I'll still be with the company by then, but if I am, it'll be interesting to see the changeover happen. I really doubt they'll pull restaffing shenanigans, but the district managers might get a shakearound...who knows. I just find it amusing that I technically work at a place I've never even been to before.

Time for bed.

Moment of Zen: It is 2005 and the great battle of Autobot City has not started. I feel let down.

14 April 2005

Neat things

Bitch, bitch, bitch. It's been a long while, I know. Alright, a long while. But there you are, and here I am.

Our internet was down for a few days this past week, which is one reason I will attribute to my delay. The reason for this, not unlike the last time our internet was down, was a mouse. Chewed through our phone cable, really did a number on it. I had no idea that the mouse had done his thing, so in the clamour to regain connection, I called Bell, who promptly sent us a new modem. This one has little feet, and is admittedly cute. Go modem go.

Work's been alright, albeit a little bit lagging. I really could use some more hours. It's a great job, I absolutely love it, but the pay's low and the hours are few. My requests for more hours fall on deaf ears, I think, but meh, it'll do for now.

I was explaining to Kevin my quandry regarding this summer/fall. Right now I work at EB Games, for not very much per hour, and not many hours. I need to afford rent, books, food, gas, and frivolous things. Currently at EB, this is not possible. So, I can either go home once my lease here is up and work for my dad (or the Farm Service, perhaps) this summer, or I can stay here and take some summer classes. However, if I stay here, I'll make a lot less money, unless I take another job. If I take a second job, though, I won't be able to take classes. If I can't take classes, I might be screwed for credits that I need to hop into 2nd Year Pop Culture courses. And that, friends, requires money. Mr. Heller, I could have been your muse.

One of my favourite things in the world is live music. A few weeks ago we had a glorious jam right in our goddamn living room. Alex, Sean (whose MySpace address eludes me at the moment), and Kev managed to take a break from school to come down and rock right the hell out. Even stupid Sarah garbageface managed to show up. Even though the mic situation left something to be desired, it was a most excellent rock show.

I've never been super-vocal in my appreciation of Weezer. I really dig Weezer. Granted, I was weaned on the Blue Album, and hadn't listened to anything since then for a long while. Long story short, they're due for a gig in Toronto very soon, 6 May, or something. A girl I know wanted to see them, so I figured I'd hop on the internet the second the tickets hit the public. Well, the dipshits at Ticketmaster decided "oh, let's let people buy tickets in packs of up to 20! Clearly everyone will get a ticket this way. We are so clever, hehehe!" Nice try, assholes. Go look up "Weezer +Toronto" on eBay, it's fucking silly.

I wanted to see U2 as well, but I'm not even going to talk about that.

The Tea Party, however, are coming to town. This is a fantastic thing. I likely wouldn't have thought of going, as no one around here seems to like or appreciate them. However! A girl came to our house bearing cookies, red hair, respect for Akira Kurosawa, and decent taste in music. So, she comes over to visit Eric and we started talking about music, and I think we're going to see the Tea Party at the Moose and Goose next month. It shall rock, and it shall rock hard.

So, Black Kitty and I are perhaps going to collaborate on a children's book. Check out her comic, and support Drunk Duck.

I'm listening to Depeche Mode and I'm not going to change it. I must be tired. Good night, masses.

Moment of Zen: I just can't get enough...I just can't get enough...I just can't get enough...I just can't get enough...I just can't get enough...